Friday, 22 May 2015

5E's Interactive Timelines

To celebrate the end of our theme studying eras of human development, each table worked together to create interactive timelines. These timelines not only include key facts that we have studied but also incorporate 3D models, quizzes and puzzles to entertain viewers. The teams worked wonderfully together and all presented their findings at the end of the project. Please see the photos below.

Damavand table: Daneel, Chanel, Taylor, Katie, Sara and Callum.

Kilimanjaro table: Rachel, Tabitha, Mitchell, Malakai, Yeganeh and Samantha.

Fitz Roy table: Mya, Daniel, Myles and Connor.

Fuji table: Joshua, Olivia, Alfie, Aarthy, Leo and Michaela.

Matterhorn table: Ashiq, Samer, Emily, Juvan, Abdullah and Dan.

Wednesday, 20 May 2015

Year 6 Street Dancing

Year 6 got a post-SATs treat in the form of a Street Dance workshop with the 'Living the Dream School of Performing Arts' here is some of our routine below (featuring 6F and some of 6B):

Friday, 15 May 2015

5E's Political Scavenger Hunt

Today, 5E spent time doing outdoor learning for our PHSE lesson. We studied parliamentary booklets which explain the process of law making. Following this, pairs of children wrote correct and incorrect answers to questions. The pairs then hid these answers surreptitiously around the playground. All pairs tried to find correct answers for each question and had to use their knowledge of parliament in order to decipher which answers were correct. We really enjoy being outside on such a beautiful day. 

Friday, 8 May 2015

Fairytale writing - 6F

We revised the features of narrative writing this week in 6F, in the context of a fairytale. Here is the opening and build up of Laise's:

The Clock Tower

Once upon a time there lived a pretty ballerina (called Twinkletoe), who elegantly made time go around in the colourful, but boring, clock tower. She had a slender, elegant body wrapped in a flowing, purple dress with shimmering, metal cogs at the bottom. She had hair as red as roses, turned into a high bun with shining gold twirled around the bun. Her forlorn, gloomy eyes gazed around the clock tower as she twirled and swirled. Her tiny, graceful feet are like petals dancing in the autumn. Even though you may think her life is the best, she doesn’t think so herself; she thinks her life is the worst anyone could have.  The place below was the most colourful town you would ever see, that’s where Twinkle toe wanted to go! But something was stopping her…

Carefully, she looked out the glass window, down into the celebrating town. They were celebrating because of Clock Day. When she saw a balloon gently float around the sky, she wanted to leave the tower even more but she couldn’t. The town (Clock Town) was filled with the most beautiful fair in the world: balloons, music and generous guests. Do you know why she wanted to leave? Well... her brown shimmering eyes had spotted her true love! His name was Hans – a blacksmith that delivered cogs up to the tower. Whenever he came up she didn’t know what to say.

Persuasive writing by 5G

In Year 5 this week we have been looking at persuasive writing. We wrote letters to the CEO of a fast food chain, encouraging him to make the food at his restaurant healthier. Below is an extract from Jessica's letter. We hope you enjoy it!

Dear Mr Hover,

                         I am writing to you to encourage you to increase the amount of healthy food on your menu. At the moment, there is nothing healthy on it, you even add sugar to your salads and bread buns! People want to make healthier choices and you can help them to do that.

Excess sugar is very harmful to people's health and your food offerings contain far too much. Sugar can cause diabetes, tooth decay and obesity. Do you care at all about your customers? Your food must change for their benefit. Surely you can see how necessary it is to change your menu and offer your customers a healthy choice?

5E's mock election speeches

On Thursday, we celebrated the election by choosing candidates who (complete with leaders' masks) gave speeches and answered questions from an audience. Below are Rachel and Daniel's speeches:

Today I will tell you about what changes I would make if I became Prime Minister. Firstly I would help school children who live far away from their schools with free transport. Another thing I would do if reduce speeding throughout our country, reducing car crashes and increase child benefits so parents could buy more for their children. I would increase the age to go to school to 7 so children would be ready. I would abolish SATs and league tables. I would lower the age to vote to 16, so younger peoples' opinions will be heard. I love the UK and would love it if you could vote for us.

I think I should become Prime Minister because I will guarantee 100% free child care for 3 and 4 year olds so when you're at work, we'll be there to take care of your children for you. Also, we will keep giving schools the same money so that they can buy resources for pupils to help them learn. We will make children resit SATs until they can reach their goal so that we know that they understand the work that they have done. We will also give as many places as you want for university so we can ensure your child can get in.

Can you guess which party they are each standing for?