Friday 26 September 2014

Atmospheric writing in 6F

In Year 6 we have been identifying what makes good, atmospheric writing. By using an extract from Michael Morpurgo's Private Peaceful as inspiration, we then wrote our own atmospheric passages. We worked hard on using description, figurative language and punctuation to generate a tense, exciting atmosphere in the context of a WW1 battlefield.

Here is Anish's:

The men are ants, scurrying, crawling, dying. Gravely, I hear
Pete calling for me. Out of nowhere, he grabs me tightly and I limp after him. I am in dire need of air. I can’t do it... Half-blinded by my mask, I stumble, colliding with the trench wall, knocking myself half-unconscious. My gas mask has slipped off. Instantaneously, I pull it down again, however I know it is too late. My throat is smouldering. My lungs are burning. I am coughing, retching, choking. I’m running anywhere; I don’t care, as long as it is away from the gas. I’m out! I wrench off my mask, panting and gasping for air. Helplessly, I fall on my knees, vomiting violently. At last, when the torture has ended, I look up through blurred and sobbing eyes. Suddenly, a devil of a man appears, pointing his rifle at me. I’m powerless. I can hear the rapid rattle of rifles in the distance. Soon another will join the chorus. It is the end...


  1. Wow Anish! I am so impressed by your use of short, simple sentences for effect and powerful verbs.

  2. We enjoyed reading your atmospheric writing Anish. We can see that you have put a lot of effort into luring the reader in! Here are our two ticks (smiley faces) and a wish (*) for you.

    :) Ambitious vocabulary - instantaneously
    :) Varied sentence length to create tension.

    *Use figurative language more frequently.

  3. wow Anish I'm so pleased with your work its so good wow:)

  4. WOW!! Anish that was amazing I really liked the bit when you wrote my mouth was smouldering. It really creates imagery in my mind. That was a amazing piece of work.

  5. well done Anish! I liked how you put short sentences for tension,
    again well done.

  6. Well done Anish! I liked ho you put the short sentences for tension put, but I thought maybe you could add some more figurative language could be added somewhere.

  7. Wow! That fabulous piece of writing totally made my eyes as wide as saucers! Nice use of powerful verbs like scurrying and smouldering. I could magpie some of these fantastic verbs in my work! ;)
