Saturday 27 September 2014

Something different!

Friday (26th September) was European Day of Languages, and at The Grove Academy we have been discussing different languages we speak, learning some new foreign words and discovering just how many languages there are in the world and how many are in danger.

In 6R we like to try to take our register in as many languages as possible, so we have recorded some greetings in a range of languages. We hope that you will learn something!


  1. Très bien 6R! Yesterday I learnt that at least half of the world’s population are bilingual or plurilingual, i.e. they speak two or more languages.

  2. This is a brilliant idea and it shows how many different languages you have been discussing. Very inspirational! We are going to use some of these greetings in Year 1, if you have any more let us know and we shall try to impress you.
